scrutinizes Patriot Act
Feinstein joins GOP's Specter in bill to make 14 of law's 16 expiring provisions permanent
Edward Epstein, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Thursday, July 14, 2005
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Washington -- Congressional review of 16 expiring provisions of the Patriot Act began in earnest Wednesday, with key committees considering their versions of the legislation that would renew the measures and pivotal senators releasing their proposed bill.
President Bush has called for an unfettered renewal of the Patriot Act, which was passed overwhelmingly weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to facilitate federal anti-terrorism investigations. But some of the provisions have stirred nationwide opposition among civil libertarians, librarians, booksellers and gun owners' groups.
Among the act's provisions being scrutinized are those that give the FBI secret access to library, medical and business records, and another allowing for roving "John Doe'' wiretaps that follow a suspect from phone number to phone number.
Questions from Congress
In contrast to four years ago, some in Congress have questions about continued approval of the 16 provisions, which expire Dec. 31 unless they are renewed by Congress and Bush.