Here are some examples.
back in 2000 ..."And anyone who thinks the Texas governorship is a weak office is going to learn a little something about the exercise of power by the master -- not George W. Bush, but his chief strategist Karl Rove.
They're keeping lists. Of every insult, no matter how small. Of every criticism, no matter how fair. Of every news clip. Of every joke, no matter how innocent. This reporter speaks from some experience concerning Rove and lists."
"To engage the crowd, I related what had happened at the previous panel, introduced a gracious Mrs. McKinnon, and said that I was going to speak about Rove. "Before I start," I said, "I would like to know if Karl Rove's sister or wife is in the audience." It wasn't rip-roaringly funny, but it was at least amusing, and when the scattered laughter ended, I talked about Rove.
A week later, in my office in Austin, I received a one-sentence handwritten note.
Not a sister or a wife, but my aunt, armed with a tape recorder.
It was from Rove.",13918,1165126,00.html"As political dirty tricks go, it was minor league. Hundreds of the city's heavy drinkers and homeless turned up at a smart Dixon reception looking for free booze. Dixon was embarrassed but the plot failed to stop his momentum: he was elected state treasurer and went on to become a senator. But the teenager who stole his letterheads, Karl Rove, has gone even further."
If you do this kind of thing enough times, you'll inevitably run up against people who are just as smart (and have even longer memories) than you do! And there will be more of them than there are of you ...
They might not have retaliated so far because they were scared of his associates -- but when the tide turns, I predict that the people he burned will be lining up to skewer him. Live by the sword, etc.