We've been in scandal over load for quite a while now. Republicans have made so many mistakes and scandals in the past few years its been hard to keep track of them all. So I thought "Why not make a list?" This list is NOT COMPLETE in any way. This is a BIG project. I'm asking for help on any thing I've missed. (please forgive any spelling errors)
A list of the Unethical, Hypocritical, Immoral, and the down right Illegal actions of the Republican Party since 2001
I. Pre-2001 Context (Go rent “Wag the Dog” take notes, you’ll be glad you did)
--A. Project for the New American Century, 1997
-----1. “New Pearl Harbor”
--B. The 2000 campaign
-----1. Smears on John McCain
--------a. Attacking a war hero’s record (common BushROVE tactic)
-----2. Florida
--------a. The disenfranchisement of African Americans
--------b. Non-Florida Republican jackasses storming the vote counters in Dade county
--C. Lost popular vote
--D. Supreme Court
-----1. 5/4 decision to GIVE presidency to Bush
-----2. O’connor wanted to retire under a Republican
--------a. Continuing to count votes would “hurt” the bush campaign was their argument
II. January to September (the early months of Bush Administration)
--A. Anti-Clinton stuff
-----1. “Were bribes involved in Clinton’s pardons?” (come on, seriously)
-----2. Stolen furniture
-----3. The ‘W’s missing from key boards (That’s childish…but funny)
--B. Lack of interest in terrorism
-----1. Richard Clark brushed aside
-----2. No interest in creating the Clinton recommended Department of Homeland Security
-----3. PDB “Bin Laden determined to attack inside United States” 8/6/01
--C. China Spy Plane Incident
--D. Needed Colin Powel to give credibility to his Administration
--E. Lame duck label
--F. Bush Month long vacation to Crawford Ranch
-----1. PDB “Bin Laden determined to attack inside United States” 8/6/01
--G. 43 million to Taliban in aide
III. September 11, 2001
--A. Bush on 9/11
-----1. It happened on Bush’s watch (not necessarily his fault but…)
-----2. Bush continued photo op after first plane hit tower
-----3. Spent 7 minutes in classroom after second plane hit
--------a. (His face just screamed “I don’t know what to do!”)
--B. The aftermath
-----1. Lies from the EPA on health standards
-----2. Vow to find Osama (Remember him) “Dead or Alive”
-----3. Declares Iraq, Iran, North Korea an “Axis of Evil” (WWII “Axis Powers”)
--C. The 9/11 commission
-----1. Opposed its creation
-----2. Uncooperative with the commission
-----3. Spent 15 million, perspective; 40 million on Clinton Impeachment
-----4. Bush would only talk with them off the record
-----5. Bush would only appear with Cheney at his side
-----6. The commission had to coax Bush for every minute they were allowed the privilege of his presence
IV. The Wars of Bush
--A. IRAQ the lead up to War
-----1. Lies about WMD
--------a. To the press and public
--------b. To our Senators and Congressman
--------c. To the UN and the International Community
-----2. Lies about Al Qaeda link
-----3. Lied about cost of war
--------a. Iraqi oil will pay for reconstruction
-----4. “…I doubt six months.” - Rumsfeld
--------a. Now its 12 years
-----5. Dissent is unpatriotic
-----6. No UN or International Support
-----7. No post war planning
-----1. “Spikes of Activity”
-----2. “…intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy…”
-----3. Little thought given to post War Iraq
-----4. UN as justification for War
--------a. as opposed to the route for peaceful resolution
--C. IRAQ the War and reconstruction
-----1. Nearly 1,800 American soldiers dead
-----2. Over 13,000 wounded
-----3. Over 100,000 civilian dead
-----4. Absolutely NO WMD found
-----5. 9 BILLION dollars just missing
-----6. No exit plan
-----7. Inadequate forces
--------a. to stop looting
--------b. to protect ammunition depots
--------c. enough troops to protect Oil though
-----8. Halliburton
--------a. Over a BILLION in over charges (they still get contracts?)
--------b. Dirty food served to our service men and woman
-----9. Abu Ghraib (TORTURE)
-----10. Iraq citizens are left without clean water
-----11. Iraq citizens are left without electricity
--D. Afghanistan
-----1. Lack of Focus
-----2. Too few troops
-----3. Paying war lords millions to find Bin Laden
-----4. Lack of reconstruction (though the gas pipe line got approval right quick)
-----5. Opium production is staggering
--E. The War on Terror (or better know as “The politics on Terror”
-----1. Osama Bin Laden
--------a. Sep 2001 to July 2005 and he’s still at large
-----2. The terror threats
--------a. Raised levels for political purposes
--------b. Homeland Security chief said the intelligence didn’t warrant raised levels
V. Other Foreign Policy
--A. North Korea
--B. Iran
--C. Syria
--D. Our “Old” Allies (France and Germany)
--E. Liberia (remember when we sent troops in there)
VI. What else is going on in this crazy world we live on?
--A. Darfur (Don’t worry folks we’ll never let another Genocide like Rwanda happen… again)
--B. Milosevic put on trial for war crimes (Remember he’s the guy that Clinton got, well NATO)
--C. Russia sliding away from democracy (US too)
VII. Domestic Policy Foibles
--------a. Signed into law on the Saturday they caught Sadam, in case you didn’t see it in the news that day. (What’s really fun is finding out how many times Bush has signed something into law on a Saturday)
--B. Tax Cuts
-----3. (It can’t be said enough)
-----5. (Can anyone find any time in the course of all human history when a government cut taxes during War time?)
-----6. Balk received by the wealthiest 1 %
--C. Assault Weapons Ban lapse (inaction counts)
--D. No child left behind
-----1. Under funded
-----2. Teacher don’t seem to like it
VIII. The Media (“Failures of the Fourth Estate” or “the not liberal media”)
--A. FOX news (not fair or balanced)
--B. The media’s double standard (you know what I mean)
--C. Media on government pay
-----1. Columnists paid to support policy
--------a. Maggie Gallagher
-----------i. for gay marriage
--------b. Armstrong Williams
-----------i. No child left behind
-----------ii. $241,000 (could a bought a lot of text books)
-----2. Government produced news reports
IX. Weapons of Mass Destruction
--A. Nuclear Proliferation (Countries that got the bomb on Bush’s watch)
-----1. United States
--------a. broke NP treaty for “Bunker Busting Nuclear Weapons”
--------b. Broke Ballistic missile treaty in pursuit of Star Wars
-----2. North Korea
--------a. has at least 6 of them
-----3. Iran (I don’t know if they have it, but they want it, and their working hard to get it)
-----4. Russia’s old nuclear weapons
--B. Biological Weapons
-----1. Anthrax attacks on America still not answered for
--------a. Military grade anthrax
--------b. American made anthrax
-----2. Small Pox
--C. Chemical Weapons
-----1. Tapes of Al Qaeda killing a dog with Chemical weapons (2002)
-----2. If they had it then do they have Chemical Weapons now? (we don’t know since we stopped focusing on Al Qaeda for Iraq)
X. Environmental Issues
--A. Global Warming
-----1. Editing of government reports by corporate stoolie
--B. Kyoto
--D. Clean Skies Act
-----1. allows 17,700 older coal-burning plants to continue polluting
--E. Healthy Forests Initiative
--F. EPA post 9/11 air quality
XI. Economy (remember how well the economy was doing under Clinton)
--A. Record Deficits
-----1. Are national debt is <
--B. Bush has never vetoed a spending bill
--C. Corporate Power and Corruption
--------a. over a BILLION in over charges
--------b. Cheney still receives 150,000 a year
--------c. Cheney has 433,000 in stock options
--------d. dirty food served to our service men and woman
--D. Enron
--E. MCM
XII. Religion in politics (Immoral, Hypocritical, Unethical, and Illegal! YEAH!!!)
------(Personal note; I don’t want politicians to ever speak of “god” god has no place in our democracy, no god bless Americas, no in god we trusts, and no under gods. If god did have a place then our founding fathers would have written it into our constitution instead of specifically writing in the separation of church and state. That being said…)
--A. Unanimous vote by the senate stating we are not a christian nation
-----1. The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli (a muslim state) says that "The Government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the christian religion?" (Pre-Bush but important to remember)
--B. Faith Based Initiatives
-----1. $20,000 for a program that only prays for people
--C. Abstinence only sex ed (and the lies they tell)
-----1. HIV transmitted through tears
--D. Anti-Gay Hysteria
--E. Gay Marriage Constitutional Amendment
--F. Terry Schivo
-----1. MAJOR abuse of power
-----2. Unconstitutional
-----3. “…difficult issue for Democrats” (they knew it they were playing politics)
--G. Stem cell research ban
-----1. current plan allows destruction of some embryos (Hypocrite) (its either life or its not, and therefore wrong to use or its not)
-----2. over 400,000 left in storage that will never be used (What are we supposed to do with them?)
--H. The corruption of religion
-----1. Where in the bible does it say kill, bomb, and TORTURE thy enemies?
XIII. The Hypocritical Party (the actions and words of the Republican Party)
--A. Moral Relativism (Things that are only okay if you voted for Bush)
-----1. Leaking an undercover CIA operative - ROVE
-----2. Leaking an undercover source - the Al Qaeda mole
--B. LIEING - Bush, Cheney, Powel, Rice, Rumsfeld, FOX news, etc.
--C. Comparing opposition to Nazi’s - Frist (this goes for Democrats too, ‘Fascist’ has all the meaning without the Holocaust)
--D. Drug use
-----1. Limbaugh - OxyContin
-----2. Bush - Cocaine (Bill Clinton “didn’t inhale” yeah right)
--E. Running for senator of a state you never lived in
-----1. Keyes criticized Hillary for running in New York
-----2. Keyes ran in Illinois
XIV. The Unethical Party (You might not go to jail, but its still wrong)
--A. Filibuster (take away the one bit of political power the Democrats have left)
--B. Terry Schivo – see XII. f.
--C. Swift Boat Liars
--D. “Free Speech Zones”
-----1. placing protestors (forcibly in some cases) in “FSZ”
-----2. “FSZ” could be miles away from president’s route.
-----3. (See no rights, hear no rights, speak no rights, BE NOT RIGHT)
--E. Making GWB seem like he knows what he’s doing
-----1. (It’s a complex world and he is simply not intelligent enough to be the man with his finger on the button)
XV. The Immoral (TORTURE, abuse, and other things to do on a Saturday night)
--A. Abu Ghraib (TORTURE)
-----1.Dogs set on prisoners
-----2. Sexual degradation - highly offensive to islamic culture
-----3. Blame the soldiers, the “few bad apples”
-----4. Soldiers sodomizing young boys
--B. Guantonamo Bay
-----1. Stress positions
-----2. Koran Desecration (the pissing on it was an accident, sure)
-----3. Sleep depravation
--C. Out Sourcing Torture
-----1. Uzbekistan (Boils Their Victims Alive!!!)
XVI. The “GATES” and other Illegal goings on
--A. Rove-gate (should this include everything the man has ever done?)
-----1. Leaked a CIA operative’s ‘identity’
-----2. Political pay back for telling the truth
-----3. WH lies “Rove not the leak”
--B. Coin-gate
--C. Downing Street Minutes (see IV b.)
--D. Election Fraud – (see XVII b.)
XVII. 2004 election
--A. Republican National Convention
-----1. It was in New York City (The most conservative city in the world)
-----2. Protesters rounded up illegally
--B. Election Fraud (More details next update)
-----1. Statistically impossible exit polls
-----2. Ohio
-----3. Other states
XVIII. All that is just idiotic, and or childish
--A. Any ‘WORTHLESS FUCK’ who wore a band aid with a purple heart on it
-----1. (those people made me want to vomit)
-----2. (lets support the troops by insulting one of their highest honors)
-----3. (its okay to insult the purple heart because my guy never got one because he was to busy snorting coke and drinking booze)
--B. “Freedom Fries” (congress voted for it)
--C. “Freedom Toast” (That too)
--D. “Old Europe” (age before wisdom)
--E. “They hate us for our freedom”
-----1. (So, 19 hijackers moved to the US, lived in our freedom, and hated it so much that they committed suicide by flying planes into buildings. That makes perfect sense to me.)
--F. Buying French wine to dump out in boycott protest (that’s just dumb)
--G. Blue curtain to cover the naked breast of Lady Justice
-----1. Cost $8000 in tax payer money
--H. Flag Burning Amendment (that old horse)
--I. Generation ChickenHawk
XIX. What did I Forget?
--A. The War on drugs
-----1. Medical Marijuana
--------a. (What ever happened to states rights? Wasn’t that what the republicans were all about before?)
--------b. It’s called “Medical” marijuana (Why is it still a schedule one drug, i.e. of no medical use?)
-----2. Tommy Chong
--------a. sent to prison for 9 months
--------b. He endorsed water pipes called “Chong’s Bongs”
--B. Dictators we like, and the countries they oppress
-----1. Islam Karimov, of Uzbekistan
--------a. Gunned down at least 100 protesters
-----2. The Saudi family, of Saudi Arabia
--------a. self destruct mechanism on oil wells
--C. Bolton’s Nomination to the UN
-----1. (You want WHO to be the most important diplomat we have?)
XX. Interesting questions that need answers (conspiracy type stuff and other ‘?’s)
--A. ROVE; how many “pies” (aka scandals) does he have his fingers in?
--B. Government’s explanation of 9/11
-----1. Is the government’s explanation for the fall of the WTC Towers scientifically sound? (science is meant to be checked and questioned to see if it holds up and considering the state of our government and news media I think a little double checking is in order)
--C. WTC building 7
-----1. What is the scientific explanation for WTC 7’s collapse?
-----2. Why did the building implode?
-----3. Was it a Controlled Demolition?
-----4. If it was CD, when were the explosives placed inside the building?
-----5. (I’ve yet to see any reasonable explanation for WTC 7 collapse)
--D. Rather-gate
-----1. Who benefited from Rather-gate? (rhetorical, Bush)
-----2. Was it forged to end speculation on Bush’s AWOL days? (yes)
-----3. So, who forged the documents about Bush’s record? (?)
--E. Homeland Security
-----1. Is there any way to have HS without the loss of civil liberties?
-----2. Are we ready for an attack using WMDs?
-----3. How secure are our Borders?
-----4. Has the Republican controlled government done everything it can to ensure the protection of the American people? (rhetorical, no)
XXI. “The People who lost their scruples” or “Politics is people, and these people suck” or “The ABC of assholes” (I’ll be totally revamping this section next update)
--A. President Bush
-----1. (I dare you to find one thing he’s done right)
-----2. (I double dog dare you)
There's the list now what did I miss. I'll be adding my links to sources in the next update