From Daily Kos: Berger was only an advisor to John Kerry. He was prepping for testimony before the 9-11 comission and took copies of documnets out of the National Archives. What made it worse was that he lied about doing it. The result? He immediately left the Kerry campaign and struck a plea bargain with prosecutors.
A good Duncan Hunter quote here:
"There's an ethic here -- that is of strict discipline, of not letting the fact you're working on a political campaign start to color your actions when it comes to national security," Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., told FOX News on Tuesday.
and this hilarious comment from the National Review:
Is there anyone who honestly thinks the coverage of Sandy Berger's theft of classified documents wouldn't be dramatically different if he were a conservative Republican?
and the end of the post:
Just change the subject of the probe and you can see the difference in ethical standards of the two parties. One self regulates, the other is dragged kicking and screaming into the light. The fact that the American people continue to see this as a Republican strength is disconcerting and not just a bit scary.
In fact change the subject of the scandal and this quote from Bill Clinton would make a lot of sense about Karl Rove (nick named "Turd Burglar")
"For all those who know and love him, it's easy to see how this could happen,"
What Sandy Berger did was nothing compared to uncovering the name of a covert CIA operative.
I love using people's own quotes against them.