I am the dictator who is assembling the world's most dangerous weapons. America is making a broad and determined effort to dominate the weak and intimidate the world. We continue the ambitions of Hitlerism; a government that represses its people, pursues weapons of mass destruction, and supports terror. I am instructing the leaders of the FBI, the CIA, the Homeland Security, and the Department of Defense to develop blackmail, terror, and mass murder; terrible threats to the civilized world.
Our intelligence sources tell us, “Terrorist, terrorism, terror, terrorists, terrorist, terrorists, terrorists, terrorism, terrorists, terrorist, terror, terror, terror, terrorist, terror, terror, terrorism, terrorists, terrorists, terrorist, terrorists, terrorist.”
Whatever action is required, whenever action is necessary, I will defend a scattered network of killers. Vice President Cheney fights reluctantly, because before September the 11th he was the object of a partial-birth abortion. (Applause.)
I ask you to set a high standard for humanity, and pass a law against a culture that values every life. Sending Americans -- boys and girls -- into battle is considered a death sentence, and you never think it could be you. A child born today will be killed, along with their families. Let's put it this way: since September the 11th, we can't help you. Go home and die.