MOORE TRIUMPH AS LIBEL ACTION REJECTEDMICHAEL MOORE has succeeded in his fight against a $20 million (GBP11 million) libel lawsuit regarding his 2002 movie BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE.
Detroit, Michigan district court judge PAUL BORMAN dismissed the action filed by JAMES NICHOLS, the brother of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator TERRY NICHOLS.
James claimed Moore's documentary implied he was an accomplice in the tragic 1995 attack, which left 168 people dead, and slammed the movie maker for causing him distress.
Nichols had objected to Moore's statement that, "Terry Nichols was arrested and received a life sentence. Timothy McVeigh was executed. But the feds didn't have the goods on James, so the charges were dropped."
But Borman ruled the statement "was literally true and accurately reported the government's dismissal of the charges" against Nichols.