The Screwing of America and The Stain on The Flag --by Kin O'Brien
Karl Rove has screwed the American people. When Bill Clinton was condemned for getting a famous stain on a famous blue dress, the GOP went after him for over two years, crying "Impeachment! Clinton is a liar! IMPEACH!!!"
Well, now. Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Karl Rove has outed a CIA agent and risked the lives of said agent as well as all her contacts in the world. His action, with the enthusiastic compliance of a couple of so-called unbiased news reporters, has made our country more vulnerable to terrorism. His behavior is beyond disgusting and is UNPATRIOTIC. Karl Rove has possibly committed an act of treason.
At the very least, he has broken the law and compromised our national security. And...lies? Shall we count all the lies from this administration? How about the lies regarding nonexistent WMD that promoted an illegal invasion and destruction of a country that had never done anything against the American people? Yes, those are the lies that Joseph Wilson exposed to the world, lies that were corroborated by the infamous Downing Street Memo and largely ignored by the UNPATRIOTIC American media, who are nothing more than a GOP mouthpiece that has been criminally complicit in allowing Bush and his minions to deceive the American people, and to cover-up the numerous crimes and skullduggery of government and military officialdom and their US corporate shadows.
Lori Price