the fact that the crazy MSM is covering it. I mean, the DSM was extremely
important, but got hardly any coverage.
And now, because of MSNBC's David Gregory leading the charge, a whole
bunch of reporters found their gonads and everyone piled on McClellan
in a grand style.
I have been watching NBC's Senior White House Correspondent
David Gregory on MSNBC while he's been substituting for Tweety Bird
(Matthews) on Hardball. He's so much better than Tweety.
Here's a great idea IMHO: As a way of showing our appreciation to David,
let's all write MSNBC and tell them to replace Joe Scarborough with
David Gregory. This would serve several purposes: 1) acknowledge
David for showing some guts and gumption; 2) get rid of Scarborough;
3) Gregory's ratings will swamp everyone elses; 4) he's infinitely
easier to look at than beady-eyed Scarborough.
If you would like to write David personally:
He even stood up to Ari Fleischer:
Q You’re saying they’ve turned the corner, they just haven’t gone quite far enough?
MR. FLEISCHER: I’ll leave it as I put it.
Q Why won’t you answer the question about —
Q Hold on. We’re entitled to follow up, Ari — this isn’t homeroom.
Q Why won’t you answer the question about whether or not — he said there are going to be consequences —
MR. FLEISCHER: David, there are other qualified reporters in here, too, who can follow-up.
Q I didn’t say they were not qualified, Ari. I’m saying you’re running it like it’s homeroom, like we can’t follow-up when you’re refusing to answer a question that’s been posed twice to you, directly. The Secretary of State said that there would be consequences. Why won’t you say what they might be?
Q Do you want to elaborate on what those consequences would be?
MR. FLEISCHER: I addressed it earlier. You heard what I said about consequences.
Q You didn’t address it, which is the point. But you can’t tolerate that kind of dissent.