...like someone said before, we have a journalist (if you wish to call her that) behind bars right now, this man seems relentless for some answers. He sees this case goes beyond 1st amendment rights, I wouldn't be surprised if he continues to go after Judy even harder for
criminal contempt charges.
Also, I think we are all getting excited about Rove going down, but we don't know what's going to happen legally. It's all mere speculation. Now that I said that, I do agree with the democrats (and the press) for calling out the WH for stonewalling on this case.
In my opinion the political damage is already done, the GOP has a lot of spinning and explaining to do and no one is buying their desperate attempts. We made our statement about Rove, it's obvious that Bush is not going to take any action unless there are some sort of indictments made (because he lacks ethics and is an arrogant pompous ass) he is hoping that Rove comes out clean. Now, instead of focusing all our attention on attacking Rove, let's not forget the real issues here:
Wilson's wife was outed because Wilson had given evidence that contradicted the White House regarding going to war with Iraq.
This is huge! This is what jumps out to people and indicates the corruptness of the current administration. Also, keep in mind of the worst case scenario that Fitzgerald may not have enough evidence to indict anyone. I hope this doesn't happen, but it's indeed possible.
I hate to be one of those "don't give your hopes up" people (they annoy me), but let's play this smart politically and not get wrapped up in our hatred for Rove.
Also, I have a sinking feeling tomorrow Matt Cooper will be sticking up for Rove in his interview. This doesn't matter though, Fitzgerald is after someone and it's a repuke in the WH (or a group of repukes). Neither side knows for sure what is going to happen, I just hope and pray that these weasels get caught and I think we have a good chance with Fitzgerald. I'm not worried about his integrity as a prosecutor.
I think a lot of us are so used to being let down that we live in fear and create a defeatist attitude which is more dangerous for our party than the current administration IMO. We should be taking every opportunity to call out these bastards while simultaneously working on a clear cut message that sets us apart from the fascist elite. If nothing comes out of this case, don't consider it a loss for our side. We won't win any elections purely based on negative PR for the republican party alone. Many people have lost faith in the republican party AND the democratic party. We have a lot of work to do and I'm optimistic that we can pull through this mess w/o the indictments of the bastards currently in office.