I somehow missed this interesting tidbit on what Ari is up to lately...
http://www.thejewishweek.com/news/newscontent.php3?artid=10937"During AIPAC’s famous “roll call,” congressional guests were greeted with ovations ranging from the tepid to the tumultuous. Sen. Lincoln Chaffee (R-R.I.), widely seen as cool toward Israel, produced barely a ripple; Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.), almost brought the house down.
All four top congressional leaders spoke to the Monday night gathering in speeches that generally stuck close to AIPAC’s talking points for the week: assurances of continuing U.S. support for Israel, warnings to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to do more than just talk about curbing terrorism and sober words about the threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program.
Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, now chair of the Democratic National Committee, and former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, filling in for Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, addressed the group on Sunday night, agreeing on the need for strong U.S.-Israel relations but disagreeing on which party can best maintain them.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, signaling that the administration does not regard the pro-Israel lobby group as treif because of its ongoing troubles, received strong applause when she said the administration’s goal of democracy in the Middle East is “unassailable and incontrovertible,” and urged the Palestinians to “advance democratic reforms and dismantle all terrorist networks” as it pursues statehood."
Check out the graphic with the collage of our flags. Do other nations hold conferences where they merge our national symbols? Kind of uncomfortably suggestive that someone is presuming to have their hand up my ass like a puppet.
http://www.aipac.org/AIPAC-pc2005.html Characterized by a blogger here:
http://kurtnimmo.com/blog/index.php?p=676http://kurtnimmo.comAs a primary example how AIPAC runs the foreign policy of the United States, consider Dana Milbank’s AIPAC’s Big, Bigger, Biggest Moment, published in the Washington Post. Milbank tells us: at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, held in Washington recently, the pro-Israel “political action committee” (or rather a political bribery and intimidation, to say nothing of espionage, committee or more accurately racket) is “here to stay” (according to Howard Kohr, executive director), that is to say no niggling little investigation by the FBI will put a kink in the pressure camarilla’s operations. Getting busted stealing U.S. secrets, according to Kohr, is no big deal, although it is a “test of
collective resolve” in its effort to dominate U.S. foreign policy in the name of Israel.
Questions: Is the blogger's position jaded and irrelevant? Basically it is anti-semetic paranoid hate speech?
What does this have to do with the outing of Plame, which Ari is privy to? What's at the intersection of The Military-Industrial-Christian-Jewish-Zionist-Brainwashing-Media-War-Marketing-Money_power grab? Is this a bunch of nonsense and all the players are really victim of paranoid Anti-Semetic-Anti-Christian-Leftist-Communist-Pinko-Beaneating-Fair y_Pacifists?