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July 17, 2005: Sunday Monitor
KPFT - Pacifica Radio
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<> 6:00 pm CDT -- HEADLINES
<> ~6:15 pm CDT-- GUEST 1: GREG PALASTWashington is in full news/spin mode about the Plame affair now. As the Grand Jury continues to hear witnesses about who said what to whom in revealing Plame's status as an undercover operative, Matt Cooper says today he told them that Karl Rove clearly indicated that she worked at the "agency" (CIA), and Rove added that she worked on "WMD." It was Cooper's first knowledge that Plame worked for the CIA. ("What I Told The Grand Jury," by Matthew Cooper, Time Magazine, 25 July 2005 Issue )
Cooper also mentions a follow-up conversation with Dick Cheney's chief of staff Lewis Libby about Plame. Cooper even hinted this morning on Meet the Press that there may have been additional sources.
Meanwhile, a war in Iraq goes on, based on false premises that Iraq was a nuclear threat and seething with WMDs, disinformation that Joseph Wilson attempted to debunk.
And, Judith Miller is in jail for refusing to cooperate with the Grand Jury.
We will speak with Greg Palast about all of it, including his recent article:
"MR. ROVE AND THE ACCESS OF EVIL; Tell Us Your 'Source,' Judy",
Tuesday, July 12, 2005, by Greg Palast The Sunday Monitor interview with former ambassador Joe Wilson is still available on our archives -- see below -- May 29th.
<> ~6:35 pm CDT-- GUEST 2: BETSY LEONDAR-WRIGHTAttempting to work for social change involves, with any luck at all, working with people not exactly like oneself, people from different backgrounds, people with different financial resources and histories.
Betsy Leondar-Wright is an economic justice activist. She is the Communications Director at United for a Fair Economy, which is a national, nonpartisan, non-profit group based in Boston. United for a Fair Economy ( raises awareness that concentrated wealth and power undermine the economy, corrupt democracy, deepen the racial divide, and tear communities apart. It works to build social movements for greater equality.
Betsy co-authored a book in 1999: Shifting Fortunes: The Perils of the Growing American Wealth Gap (1999). She lives in Arlington, Massachusetts, with her life partner of 14 years, Gail Leondar-Wright.
We'll talk with Betsy about her new book,
"Class Matters: Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists," published by New Society. Its goal is to help activists collaborate better across class lines to build stronger movements for social change.
CO-HOSTS: Mark Bebawi and Pokey Anderson
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are at Just look for SUNDAY MONITOR and the date of the show.
Last week's show, July 10
-- SUSAN KLOPFER, author of "Where Rebels Roost: Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited."
--RAY McGOVERN, co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
July 3
--MARJORIE COHN, of the National Lawyers Guild, re Supreme Court confirmation battle to come.
--ELECTION PANELS AT ODDS. Excerpts. From ournalist Lynn Landes (, Dr. Richard Hayes Phillips, Green Party presidential candidate in 2004 David Cobb, Rev. Bill Moss of Ohio, Bev Harris of Black Box, and Bob Fitrakis, co-author of "Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?" and editor of 26
--CHIP PITTS, of Amnesty International
--SUSAN KLOPFER, author of "Where Rebels Roost: Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited"
June 19
Election Investigations from Florida, California, and Ohio
--KATHLEEN WYNNE of Black Box Voting
and technical consultant HARRI HURSTI of Finland
--BOB FITRAKIS, co-author of Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? Essential Documents
--Elections in Iran, with Kaveh Ehsani
June 12
--CHIP PITTS, of Amnesty International re Patriot Act, torture
--CLIFF ARNEBECK, public interest attorney of Ohio, updating the Ohio Coin Scandal plus the fight for transparent elections
June 5
-- ROBERT PARRY, author of Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq
May 29
Mike Wilkinson of the Toledo Blade and
Ohio State Senator Teresa Fedor
-- FORMER AMBASSADOR JOE WILSON, author of "The Politics of Truth"
May 22
-- veteran investigative journalist ROBERT PARRY. His website: Consortium News website: The hour includes the fiery testimony of George Galloway, Member of Parliament, before the US Senate, and a story by Renee Feltz about the local protests at the Halliburton shareholders meeting.