Edited on Sun Jul-17-05 07:18 PM by joemurphy
Assuming Michael Ledeen was responsible for the Niger forgeries -- and Pat Lang seems to think he was -- we now see our men at the top reaching a level of intelligence gathering resembling a Maxwell Smart episode.
Would you believe that Ledeen and his Italian right-wing friends created some crudely forged uranium documents, passed them off to Italian intelligence, who delivered them, dutifully, to the French and the Brits.
The Brits then put together a White Paper on Iraqi efforts to acquire uranium based on the forgeries.
Dick Cheney sees the Brit report and demands that the CIA look into it.
Wilson is then dispatched to Niger and comes up with a negative report on Iraqi uranium buys.
Cheney and Rice ignore Wilson's (and the U.S. Ambassador's and a U.S. general's similar reports) and Hadley and his frat boys then stick the British reference from their White Paper into Bush's State of the Union address.
But Cheney forgets that Ledeen is a member of his inner circle of neocons. Did he forget to ask Ledeen about the forged documents? Or was Ledeen playing Cheney for the sap he was?
Ah, the comedy! All of this is based on Ledeen being the guy that was responsible for the forged document plant. Cheney and his neocon cabal are all a bunch of clowns. Now they have their wonderful war in Iraq. And we, the American public, are stuck with it.
Nice work!