Jeb is a trustee of the fund that has had so many questions about it. He says he does not get involved in such decisions. Don't trustees do that?
There is a lot of concern about the condition of Edison Schools, and whether the pension fund of public school teachers should be investing that way."A money manager that invests part of the state's $92 billion pension fund has bought a for-profit school management company, a move being questioned by critics who say Edison Schools Inc. isn't a good investment.
One of the main critics is the union for Florida's teachers -- who make up nearly half the members of the state pension fund. Union members were "astonished" to learn that $174 million of their retirement money is being used to finance the buyout of a private company that manages public schools -- potentially costing some union teachers their jobs....."
Jeb's statement:
"We have a responsibility as trustees to create the policy but we don't make the decisions," Bush said. "I didn't know about, but I shouldn't know about it." Democrats and other critics questioned that, however, suggesting that Bush and the other trustees should have a better idea of what the state pension fund is being invested in. Last year, the pension fund lost about $300 million when it invested in tumbling Enron stock....."
If a trustee does not know and says they should not know, then who should?