Watch for the RepupliKKKan Noise Machine to throw everything (including the kitchen sink) at Cooper, Wilson, Plame, Miller, "liberal media", etc today.
In military recruiting, toward the end of the month as we pushed to make goal, we called it "spaghetti day". On this day, recruiters would throw everything at the wall in the hopes that something would stick. One way you can tell spaghetti is cooked is to fling a piece at the wall. If it sticks, it more than likely is done. Thus the term "Spaghetti day".
Here is just a few things I expect to see today:
- An all out frontal assault on Cooper. Every right wing radio host from Limbaugh, to Hannity, to the "yokel" "bomb the UN" traffic and whether reporter, will announce breathlessly that Cooper's wife at one time may have met Hillary Clinton. They'll play the angle that this is all a set-up by Hillary. See, Hillary started back in 2000 on her dastardly plan to get Rove. See secretly sent Cooper to Rove like dangling a piece of cheese in front of a rat.
- Repeated statements that Valerie Wilson was simply a "desk jockey" at the CIA. She had not been undercover for 6 years, therefore the 5 years mentioned in the statute does not apply, and no law was broken.
- This is all a scheme by the liberal media, and liberal Democrats who hate "Amurikka". Dems never had a love affair with the CIA anyway, so now they are complaining because our security has been compromised? They know that Bush is the second coming of Christ and that they can't beat Republikkkkans at the polls, so now they trump up some charges in the hopes that they can play "gotcha"
- Joe Wilson is a "Democrat Operative". Even though he served under Reagan and Bush I, it wasn't until Bill Clinton became President that Wilson became political. I bet that Hillary has his FBI file somewhere.
- Etc, Etc, Etc....
Our leaders better be standing by to smack down this right-wing assault. Unfortunately, just like in recruiting, some things thrown on the wall on "spaghetti day" stick. You need look no further than Abu-Grahab(sp). If I were a betting man, I'd wager the likes of Lyndie England joined the military on "spaghetti day".