I posted the link to this article as a response to a post in another thread. However, upon reflection I think it deserves a thread of its own.
Judith Miller: Hearsted on
Her Own Petard
General Judy's in the brig –
and justice is served
by Justin Raimondo
A year ago almost to the day, I vented my indignation at the latest charges the neocons were hurling at former Ambassador Joe Wilson, whose op-ed piece in the New York Times sparked a smear campaign that continues to the present:
"The infinite chutzpah of the War Party is exemplified by its taking out after Joe Wilson for having … a credibility problem. Look who's talking! These are the same people who stovepiped lies cooked up by a bunch of Iraqi exiles and passed it off as 'intelligence': nuclear 'centrifuges' that didn't exist, links to al-Qaeda that were utterly fictitious, a fleet of 'drones' supposedly capable of bombing American cities that might just as well have been paper airplanes. It would be funny if we weren't talking about a decision to go to war."
Ms. Miller had a hand in much of the above: she wasn't reporting on it so much as she was a participant, a key link in the network of liars, forgers, and character assassins who corrupted U.S. intelligence-gathering capabilities, misled the public, and betrayed the country while they broke the law. I say lock her up, and throw away the key.
Some of the ditzier liberals have been quite upset at this turn of events. Poor Judy is having to sleep on a mattress, they wail, under the same roof as a bunch of felons, murderers, drug-dealers, and whores! Oh, boo hoo hoo! They need to get over it. As the witty proprietor of the Norwegianity blog quipped: she's been "Hearsted on her own petard." And that's a Good Thing.
For once, the neocons are on the defensive, facing far greater firepower than they've ever encountered. In Plame-gate, the War Party is facing its Waterloo. Let no one – not weepy liberals, bamboozled into believing that "reporter" Miller is a martyr to the First Amendment, or party-lining neocons, who whine that "policy differences" are being "criminalized" – deprive us of victory or any of its pleasures. These people belong in jail, and for far longer than any are likely to be sentenced. The sheer beauty of their impending trial – as a lesson in how the War Party works, how it lied and smeared and seized power in a ruthless bid to impose its agenda – makes up for any deficiency of justice in sentencing guidelines that privilege white-collar gangs over the ordinary non-ideological variety. This investigation means there is some justice in this world, if not in the next, and that is more than good enough for me.