Cho's dog is a terrorist
Well, Michelle Malkin doesn't come out and say it like that, but rest assured, she has uncovered a scandal of great importance.
MARGARET CHO'S DOG... named after this terrorist. Josh Trevino takes a closer look.
My god! That comsymp Cho has gone too far this time, sending covert signals to the rest of the terrorist-coddling liberal elite via the name of her pet. How can Cho possibly justify this?
Gudrun is named after the infamous Gudrun Ensslin who was the female leader of the Baader-Meinhof Gang, an art terrorist group from the 70s. Terrorism was different then. It had a chicness to it, which made it seem less like a dangerous menace and more like fashion.
She is also named after the Norse queen who married Attil (mythological representation of Attila the Hun). After Attil killed her brothers, Gudrun murdered all the sons she had by him and served their hearts to her husband. It is a bad girl name for a very good girl. She’s just so small that I thought a strong name would help protect her from the big feet and falling objects of the world.
Hmmm....I suppose the problem is that Cho didn't check to make sure that her tongue-in-cheek name for her dog passed the sniff test for humor. Of course, I'm hard pressed to think of a name that their broken humor detectors would catch, unless it was "I Hate Hitlery" or something like that.
Cho's dog, naturally, is really cute. But don't let that fool you. As Josh Trevino points out, that dog is the pet of someone the nefarious Kos said he admired, which makes that cute little pet 100% Pure Librul Evil. That dog probably hates Christmas.
give that dog a juicy bone