First, thanks to everyone who took the time to sign the petition! You helped make a difference!
For those that don't know what I am talking about, a few days back I posted about an Oklahoma radio station that ran a poll:
Would you prefer to wake up in the morning knowing you beat a woman or had gay sex?. Most people didn't take notice of the post, but a few responded.
Today I received the following email:
Dear Friends,
CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! “The Buzz” radio station issued an apology and
the Daily Oklahoman wrote the story. I consider that a victory for the small guy -- we all banded together and our voice was heard. Clear Channel Communications is a large corporation and we made them stop and listen to our voice.
Here is a link to the story that
The Oklahoman wrote: (You have to register, but I wouldn't bother as
The Oklahoman is a right-wing clap-trap, once voted the WORST newspaper in America!).
Thanks to each one of you who signed the petition, protested, called or wrote letters. You are the ones that made the difference. We proved that a small group joined together can cause changes in today’s world. Oklahoma will be a better place as a result of your efforts.
Together we can stop the radical right and their oppressive agenda. We must stop them from taking away our freedom and our right to a fair living wage, workers compensation rights, social security, medical care and many other issues that they believe we are not entitled to have in Oklahoma.
Thank you again for your support and work! Each of you deserves a gold star for what you accomplished this week. It only took us a week to get an apology -- just think what we can do with two weeks!!!!
The Red River Democracy Project Thanks!!!!!