Republic Of Cascadia
Bureau of Sasquatch Affairs
A Division of the Cascadian Department of Health and Hominoid Services
Deployment of Hominoidnet kiosks underway
A Sasquatch uses a Hominoidnet forest kiosk to access hominoid services.
The Bureau of Sasquatch Affairs' Hominoidnet project promises to offer free Internet access to all Cascadian hominoids through kiosks installed in area forests. So far, funding has allowed 50 kiosks to be installed across Cascadia. The Kiosks are connected to a central BSA server by radio network and feature easy to use touchscreens. Hominoids access the kiosks using "smart cards" that are being handed out by the BSA.
The project is welcomed by most Sasquatch who have been concerned with the widening technology-gap between hominoids and humans that has put hominoids at an informational disadvantage. However, some Sasquatch worry that the project could cause further hominoid ghettoization. The current Hominoidnet system filters the Internet, ostensibly to keep young Sasquatch from accessing disturbing cryptozoology sites. Free howl advocates warn that while the intentions of this filtering is good, it could be used by corrupt officials to keep Cascadian hominoids in the dark about important issues. They argue that hominoids will become dependent on the government-run Hominoidnet if it is the only solution deployed and that other options for Internet access should be studied.
Sasquatch Militia membership at 5 year low, new recruitment campaign started
New Uncle Sas recruitment poster
Due to falling enlistment rates and an increase in Sasquatch seeking work in the private sector, the ranks of Sasquatch Militia have hit a 5 year low. In response, Sasquatch Militia has started a new recruitment campaign that they hope will reverse this trend and keep Cascadia defended against invaders. Key to the new campaign is a poster that features the fictional character "Uncle Sas" directly asking Sasquatch to join the Militia. According to Militia officials, Uncle Sas is representative of Cascadian Sasquatch and their loyalty to their homeland. The new campaign is aimed at making a connection with individual Sasquatch, making them feel personally involved in the defense of Cascadia.