Memes are a popular subject here at DU. I just thought this little phrase needed its own thread, because for the most part, they really are fools in my book. We have an uneffingbelievable deficit that goes against all the preachings of the Republicans, we have foreign entanglements that are in opposition to the general welfare or domestic tranquility of our country, and we have a drug war that goes against basic conservative values. We have an illegal war in Iraq as stated by Secretary-General of the UN and recognized as such by most of the world and surely most intellectuals. So with sincerest desire of retaining the meaning of fool, aren't the Republicans fools?
There is a Bu$h quote that spawned this thread, that should not escape us. One source of the quote is in the next to last paragraph at "You can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on."