Right wing/Conservative Actions & Beliefs of Christ
Can anyone help me out? I'm confused as to why the conservatives and right wingers are hitching themselves to Christianity.
Can anyone list a right wing or conservative action and/or belief of Jesus?
Now, you're probably not going to find a sentence that read "We right-wingers feel that we are superior to God because ...XYZ" On the Fundy top 500, there are literally 500 sites (I'd look at the independent churches and personal sites) that are written from a fundy mind-set. You can get a feel for what these people believe as you read through all that hate. Before I got to know my fundy in-laws better, I learned much about them through sites like this.
They are hitching themselves on the Christianity because they truly feel that they are the only ones who understand God's commands of this earth and feel that anyone who doesn't agree with them is against God. They are using Christianity to manipulate others. Take a look at Europe's history. They are repeating that history over here. Some of the "leaders" may realize exactly what they are doing, but believe that since they aren't "the Catholics," < which blows my mind that Catholics are now turning rethug> things will be different. A vast majority of the followers have no idea of European histroy involving Christian manupliation because they have been told a revisionist history. Remember, I'm Catholic and related (BY MARRIAGE ONLY) to nuts just like this. I've heard it all.
To really understand these people, you have to read their own words and the accounts of others who have escaped them and/or studied them. Asking the freepers themselves will only leave you with an earful of hatred rhetoric because these people have no honest reason for why they believe what they believe. If they questioned anything, they wouldn't be freepers, they'd be independent or left.