Operation Truth is taking out a full page advertisement in the Washington Post. This is an important issue I hope everyone will support. The main text of the ad says it all:
THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION recently admitted that they miscalculated the VA health care costs for Veterans of the War on Terror this year by at least $1.3 billion.
WITHOUT IMMEDIATE ACTION, four out of five returning Veterans could
be turned away from care. That is unacceptable to us.
A BIPARTISAN SENATE has moved quickly to cover this outrageous budget
gap with a $1.5 billion emergency supplemental. Congress should adopt the Senate’s plan immediately.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, President Bush must provide the leadership
that will prevent Veterans from being shortchanged now and in the future.
Take a look at the ad here (pdf version):
http://www.optruth.org/images/FE/chain154siteType6/site105/client/OpTruthAmericasPromise2.pdfDownload a handbill version of the ad here to help spread the word about this issue: