Progressive Magazine in its weekly e-alert, 11am EDT July 19 reports that CodePink and Raging Grannies reported seeing brazenly racist and anti Muslim propaganda posted at the Headquarters of the California National Guard.
This discovery followed a controversy that erupted over surveillance of a Mothers' Day Protest by a special unit of the Guard. First, State Sen. Dunn, chair of the subcommittee in the CA State Senate that oversees the Guard budget reported never having heard of the unit, and then there was a controversy over securing reliable files about the unit from the Guard to Dunn -- and Sen. Dunn is still considering an obstruction of justice investigation.
Earlier in July, in a meeting to smooth over relations between the sponsors of the protest -- Raging Grannies and CodePink -- and the Guard, a meeting was held at the Headquarters of the CA National Guard. At that meeting, which reportedly went otherwise uneventfully, some activists noticed a poster on the wall which described in favorable terms General Pershing executing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood, as a religious desecration. In light of the degradation of Islamic Culture and abuses already extant, the issue is thus raised of a widespread ONGOING encouragement of such behavior.
This report compounds the recently discussed attack on a Moslem Community Center in Bloomington IN.
It is strongly urged that any and all reports of hate crimes or other actions against Moslems, especially reports since July 7, be reported to the DU scrolls. It is important, including for at least some in the DUAC (DU Activist Corps) to have as good as possible a catalogue of information on such incidents available.
HERE IS THE LINK TO THE PROGRESSIVE MAGAZINE E-ALERT -----------------------------------------------------------
Subj: Progressive Weekly e-Alert | July 19, 2005
Date: 07/19/2005 10:59:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Reply-to: <snip> {has my email address}
To: <snip>
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Dear Friend,
Here are some of our fresh, new offerings on our website:
Plus, we've posted a nasty piece of racist, anti-Muslim material that was hanging in the California National Guard headquarters.
I hope you appreciate what we're doing on the web.
In the original, the phrase "California National Guard headquarters" contained the link to the URL address above.