Edited on Tue Jul-19-05 01:35 PM by kohodog
Here is a draft of a letter I plan to send out today. comments welcome:
Of Mushroom Clouds, Lies and Impeachment
At the heart of the leak of Valerie Plame’s outing by Bush Administration officials is the false justification for the Iraq war that was presented to the American people.
The mention of the words “mushroom cloud” has a powerful impact on any American old enough to remember the Cuban missile crisis. As a child in grade school at the time, I remember well the duck and cover drills, the yellow and black placards on buildings that were to serve as public shelters in the event of a nuclear attack. I remember wondering if I would be alive for my twelfth birthday and the specter of a nuclear winter if I survived the impending attack. The Bush administration cleverly used this imagery to frighten both the populace and politicians into supporting this misguided war. Who could take a chance in the event their information was right?
While Bush must hold Rove and Libby accountable for their leaks of classified information with regard to Valerie Plame, the White House needs to be held accountable for deceiving our nation into war, a far more heinous crime.