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Rovegate/DSM House Party Excitement Growing

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brettdale Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 03:39 PM
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Rovegate/DSM House Party Excitement Growing
Rovegate/DSM House Party Excitement Growing

Come Blog with Me this Weekend

I want to thank everyone who has agreed to host or attend a neighborhood house party to commemorate the third anniversary of the Downing Street Minutes and help me get to the bottom of the growing Rovegate scandal.

This is an unprecedented nationwide and international event. Right now more than 230 have come to to set up their house parties, and more than 4,500 people have agreed to attend. Both numbers are growing by leaps and bounds every day. We have a house party scheduled at the North Pole (that is to say, North Pole, Alaska), and events set up in New Zealand, Italy, the Czech Republic and Australia. To join in and either host or attend an event near you, click here.

We are setting up a nationwide conference call this Saturday, July 23 at 4 PM ET so I can brief all of the hosts on the latest events and plans. I will be joined by none other than Ambassador Joe Wilson and Air America host Randi Rhodes for this conference call.

We are also preparing packets for each and every host, to include a short video clip of the DSM/ Rovegate follies, as well as a series of supporting materials for guests concerning media outreach, legislative action, follow up events, background information and more.

Finally, I am rearranging my campaign blog so that over the weekend all hosts will be able to post entries and receive comments concerning their events. This will allow us to disseminate the information and sentiment at each event to each other and the world. Again, this is unprecedented, and will permit us to take the issue of the ongoing deception in Iraq to the next level.

I will post more information on this blog as I receive it.

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jsamuel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-19-05 03:42 PM
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1. Get Active!
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