called Democracy Cell Project. I think it's bang on:
Not that we didn’t know it was coming… the media have begun to ask actual questions during the press briefings, polling is showing that a large majority of Americans think Rove should be fired if he was involved in the leak, and the President is back-peddling madly from his earlier tough talk on the leak situation.
Look over here, everybody! I’ve got big news! Way bigger than that silly CIA agent story… I’m going to nominate a Judge to the Supreme Court!
Well, you know what? It doesn’t matter. ....
And as part of the “stop talking about the White House leak” program, I’m going to go out on a limb and speculate that the Supreme Court nomination process will be quite lengthy, quite complex, quite Byzantine in feature... all this to keep the media, once so thoroughly terrified and gagged by this administration, from continuing to exhibit signs of life.
Will the press go chasing after the pork chop dangling from the stick, or will they keep asking the questions that need to be asked? The question is not whether Karl Rove has met a standard that will result in conviction. The question is whether the Bush Administration and the Republican Party can keep a straight face while clutching the national security mantle and looking the other way on a wartime intelligence leak from inside their own White House.
Moments ago, they were taking callers on Public Radio, in response to the question, “Do people in your neighborhood care about the Karl Rove CIA leak?” I tried to call in, but by the time I got through, the girl on the other end of the line said they had already received enough calls from people who care about the leak – they were hoping to get some calls from people who didn’t care.
Ken Mehlman… please come to the White Courtesy Phone… Ken Mehlman…
Posted by Victoria Ellen at 05:40 PM |