Haven't googled too much yet. Looks like someone found a tie to election issues, which is cool. Not going to contribute too heavily to the discussion of this guy, personally. But I would point out some strategy.
Yes, the left is pissed at his anti-abortion stands. That's a fine reason to be pissed at him, but just because that's the reason you are pissed, doesn't mean it should be the angle you attack him from. The righties are expecting you to do precisely that.
The repugs have us in a PR catch 22 at this point -- we complain, they say "we told you so, they are cranks." We don't, they sail this guy on by. Fortunately they may be in a little more disarray due to the Plame Game than usual, so here's where the trick comes in.
Find stuff on Roberts not that you hate, but that repugs hate. Even if only 10% of repugs hate a certain thing about him, it is enough to sew malcontent within their ranks. If repugs shoot him down, we will be laughing our way to a PR coup: "They said we would complain, but they were the ones that scuttled the nomination."
Why will this work? Because on every news show, in every chat forum, the repug talking point is going to be "you Dems complain about everything." This is a perfect opening for us to say, "not just us, look at what this other repug over here said about Roberts." They will fall for this time, after time, after time, because as we know, they ALWAYS stick to the talking points.