Shana Pearlman is a producer for FOX News Radio's Tony Snow Show and can be reached at Sharon Kehnemui Liss is the politics editor for and can be reached at,2933,162095,00.htmlAfter eating what the detainees ate for these past two weeks, we can say definitively that yes, the detainees at Gitmo do eat well. They eat healthfully. The quantities of food they receive are generous. Is it a gourmet diet? No. But it is better than the food served at civilian prisons and the food served to children at public schools. It is designed to keep the prisoners healthy and calm. In fact, we plan to incorporate some of the lessons of the Gitmo Diet (search) into our everyday menus: balance between protein, vegetables and starch; careful measurement of portions; and a dramatic reduction in white flour and sugar. As we've mentioned over the past few days, eating the way the detainees do has some surprising health benefits!