When Bush and the Religious Reich have advanced their plan, I think we will YEARN for the days of wire coat-hangers
Some have speculated that with the resignation of O'Connor, who was the swing vote protecting Roe v. Wade, we will soon see the overturning of that decision. Predictions for this scenario have ranged from ideas about abortion being unavailable in some states, and available in others, to the return to the 'coat-hanger' era before Roe.
I think that it is going to be MUCH worse than that. The anti-abortionists see their situation as being historically parallel to the abolitionists. They have used Dred v. Scott in their rhetoric for a while now.
What I predict for the post-Roe US looks like this:
- the overturn of the decision;
- Bush makes a speech deliberately designed to mimic the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring the 'end to the genocide' and affirming the Constitutional Rights of Unborn US Citizens;
- a Constitutional Amendment is passed affirming the Citizenship and Equal Protection under the Law for the Not-yet Born.
Consequent to these actions, performing, seeking, or assisting an abortion in any way will be an act of FIRST DEGREE MURDER. It will be legally construed as pre-meditated murder. It will be see as no different than hiring a mafia hit man to take out an 8 year old child whose care is interfering with the career of his mother.
I think they will also seek to establish by legislation or precedent or both, that the first-degree murder of an unborn US Citizen is a capital offense which more than merits the DEATH PENALTY. If they can get the death penalty for doctor, mother, driver, and financier, I think they will feel that justice has been done. They will seek the death penalty for abortion (not called abortion any more, now known as the 'pre-mediated murder of an unborn person') in every case for all culpable parties.
Under this scenario - which may sound extreme until you have spent some time immersed in Christian culture, and read the writings of the Dominionists - people will YEARN for the good old days of the 'coat-hanger' when the only risks of abortion were from a botched procedure and there was no risk of being indited of a capital crime and sentenced to death.
Dominionism's Theocratic Designs and Radical Clerics
Fundamentalist Radical Clerics such as Falwell, Dobson, and Robertson are not merely medieval throwbacks or misguided religious hacks. They are part of a well organized subversionary movement known as "Dominionism". Dominionism constitutes a serious threat to American Democracy. These Radical Clerics have developed and are executing a detailed plan to gradually replace the free, secular democratic society of the United States with a Theocracy.
It is critical that people become aware of the extreme agenda these people have for the United States and ultimately for the world. The results of the 2004 Presidential Election were not a fluke or something that was drummed up over a period of months. It has been in planning for over 20 years, and what we are seeing take place now is, in the words of Katherine Yurica, "the swift advance of a planned coup".
The Swift Advance of a Planned Coup: Conquering by Stealth and Deception - How the Dominionists Are Succeeding in Their Quest for National Control and World Powerhttp://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheSwiftAdvanceOfaPlannedCoup.htmThe Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/Statehttp://www.yuricareport.com/Dominionism/TheDespoilingOfAmerica.htmVideo on the Christian Reconstructionist Dominionist Theocratic Agendahttp://www.theocracywatch.org/av/video_dominion.ram The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
a public information project from TheocracyWatch.orghttp://www.theocracywatch.org The Religious Right - An Anti-American Terrorist Movementhttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8816.htmMy Predictions for the Post-Roe World as Designed by the Radical Clerics of the Religious Reich