responding to another poster's comment that "Democrats who don't like this should have worked harder last November," poster realcountrymusic says . . . Hard work . . . where have I heard that before? Needless to say, in my opinion, to paraphrase William Munny's line in Unforgiven as he blows away Gene Hackman's evil sheriff, "work's got nothin' to do with it." But at least it's now clear just what was at stake that led decent Republicans to remain silent about one of the most unethical and incivil campaign machines of all time and its blatantly dishonest gaming of the political process using the full resources of the state, including trumped up terror alerts, staged "arrests" of al Qaeda minor leaguers that just happened to happen, say, right in the middle of the Democratic Convention, the miraculous appearance of Osama on television to solidify Bush's one substantive (though phony) advantages with voter opinion in the last days of the campaign, the pure slander of the Swift Boat Veterans and their commandant, Karl Rove, and the rigging of the electoral process in Ohio and many other places.
Even so, Bush was delivered no mandate in that election. The tissue of lies, conspiracies, brutality, and manipulation that the administration used to construct the pretext for Bush's supposed "popularity" as a "wartime president" has become more and more obvious, and its consequences more and more ugly and sickening -- say, as we approach the 1800th American military KIA in Iraq. And now, at the beginning of a furious wave of nausea and recognition about to break on Mr. Bush's shore, as he twists and lies furiously through proxies and even in person to evade taking any responsibility for the treasonous conduct of his "architect," this crew cynically schemes a 9 PM surprise announcement, complete with deflecting leaks and arrogant posturing right out of the dictator's handbook, of a divisive choice for SCOTUS, knowing -- counting on the fact that -- this will change the subject long enough to allow them to regroup and coordinate the next pack of lies. Roberts is not the issue. He seems competent and a good soldier with the predictable views. He's irrelevant. The point is we are deep into a Potemkin Village version of politics as usual here. The emperor's bare ass is waving in the fucking wind. They know time may be short before the law actually touches them, a classic choice faced by nascent dictatorships, and even more brutal measures may soon be called for. They've even heard derisive laughter *at* King George II from the normally whipped and docile mainstream press corps (yesterday, and if you missed it, it was eerie shit to hear Bush endure outright guffaws as he twisted in the wind). Enjoy the feeling of flying through the air for a few more minutes. This shit is about to get very real, one way or the other. These guys are masters at the art of distraction, so if Roberts doesn't hold the media mobs at bay, be sure we'll need to get all worried about "terra" again soon. Maybe they'll even bring in their favorite consultant, you know, the talk guy with the beard and the turban who comes on TV whenever Bush gets in trouble.
It ain't the hard work that the opposition hasn't done; it's the equivalently dirty work.
posted by realcountrymusic at 7:45 PM PST on July 19