Abortion is already de-facto illegal in those states which would outlaw it if they could.
87% of US counties have no abortion provider. If you look only at rural areas, its 97%. Roe says that the states cannot outlaw it, but the states have passed restrictions, waiting periods, parental consent laws, mandatory counseling, and the operation rescue types have harrassed and basically eliminated abortion in many areas.
If Roe were overturned, abortion would become illegal in many states, but in most of them it is already restricted and in some it is already impossible to get one anyway.
It would make the state legislatures put their cards on the table.
And it would remain legal in the blue states.
And frankly, the red states can go to hell. I don't care what they do. They are only screwing themselves.
Here is some info from NAF:
"Legal abortion is not widely accessible to women in the U.S.
The Supreme Court confirmed women's right to choose abortion in 1973, and the courts have upheld that finding in subsequent cases. But access to abortion has been severely eroded. The most recent survey found that 88% of all U.S. counties have no identifiable abortion provider. In non-metropolitan areas, the figure rises to 97%. As a result, many women must travel long distances to reach the nearest abortion provider.
But distance is not the only barrier women face. Many other factors have contributed to the current crisis in abortion access, including a shortage of trained abortion providers; state laws that make getting an abortion more complicated than is medically necessary; continued threats of violence and harassment at abortion clinics; state and federal Medicaid restrictions; and fewer hospitals providing abortion services.