We should get out early on this, and a post at first-draft inspired this one...
George Bush's latest judicial nomination demonstrates his weakness as leader of this country. Rather than wait until he was ready, Bush reacted to media coverage of Karl Rove's outing of a CIA operative, hoping to divert attention away from scandal. Does this mean that John Roberts is not qualified? Not necessarily, though Mr Roberts has little judicial experience to be qualified for the highest court in the land. He is a privileged corporate lawyer who made millions catering to wealthy CEOs. He is the consummate Washington insider, having spent almost his entire professional life shuttling back and forth between the lobbyists on K Street and the mega-millionaires on Wall Street.
Were Mr Bush a stronger president, perhaps he could have nominated a truly qualified individual that would have represented the mainstream of this nation, rather than another partisan corporate lawyer who appeals only to the radical base of the Republican party.