Many decent Americans consider themselves to be "conservative." Now the Senate is poised to consider the nomination of a staunchly conservative Justice on the Supreme Court, a move that will take the Court from a center-right position to a far-right majority. Such a move will undoubtedly change many things about America that we now take for granted.
I wonder how many Americans truly understand what conservative justice really stands for? How will this new Court affect "what it means" to be "American"? Let's take a look at how America changes with a conservative justice:
CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE does not recognize your right to privacy. We like to think that government has no right messing with our private affairs and has no right to tell us what to believe. We think that as long as we don't harm others, government should leave us alone. We think government should stay out of bedrooms and out of our private lives. Conservative justice, on the other hand, believes the Constitution does not afford us such rights.
CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE believes giant corporations have more rights than regular people. They believe big business should have all the rights of persons but few, if any, of the responsibilities. With their billion dollar bankrolls and well-paid lawyers, corporations are entitled to the obvious advantages they enjoy over you and me in our legal system. When the will of the people is expressed through government regulation, they always come down on the side of the fat cats.
CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE is opposed to protection of the environment. In small cases and large, you can always count on conservative justices to come down on the side that opposes health and protection. Every time.
CONSERVATIVE JUSTICE threatens civil liberties. Freedom of speech. Freedom of religion. Your right to a fair trial. Fair elections. These things that make America what is is are under constant attack from conservative justices. One more conservative Justice on the bench of the Supreme Court will fundamentally alter the meaning of all these things.
Help me add to this list so we can educate our fellow citizens about what conservative justice really stands for and how it will impact our lives. Many voters self-identify as conservatives but agree with liberal policy choices by a large majority. Few understand that most of the things they consider "great" about this country are under attack by conservative justice. Let's help them to understand the stakes involved in this nomination process.