... Those who do nothing share in their guilt. "
Wednesday 20th July 2005:
Knowing God is just, patriots have duty to impeach Bush and Cheney
Dear Editor: There are those who would have us continually proclaim to the world that the United States is the best and greatest nation and that it is our duty to bestow our blessings upon all other peoples. No other nation, they proclaim, is as free, wealthy, innocent, compassionate, able or well-meaning as ours. Life in these United States, they declare, is better than in any other place in the world. There is a lot in these claims with which most of us agree.
However, most patriots are acutely aware of the numerous shortcomings, injustices and waste that seem an inexorable element of our national life. The current administration declares that to dwell on these is to be an enemy of America.
Patriots know that we ignore our shortcomings at our peril. Patriots are strong and brave enough to face the realities of this nation. Patriots measure the distance between the reality and the ideal. Patriots use this measure to encourage each other to continue to strive for the ideal.
The method is long, arduous, filled with compromise and rarely personally fulfilling for those patriots who work so hard for progress. This is the path of democracy. It is very messy.