Bush Daddy was a lying sack of dirt, too. He encouraged Hussein to invade Iraq, then attacked Iraq when he did. He lied about Hussein amassing weapons along the Saudi border so Bush could put US troops in Saudi Arabia. He lied about the Iraqis dumping babies out of incubators in Kuwiat. That war killed a quarter of a million people. At the end, Bush encouraged the Shi'a to rebel, and when they did, Bush stood back and let Hussein squash them. Bush waged the war by bombing out the infrastructure and power plants, in a desert, heading into summer. There is no telling how many additional lives that cost, but the sanctions that some people blame Clinton for not lifting were created during Bush Daddy's term.
In the flow of events leading to the war, it was obvious that Bush was invading only to boost his numbers. He had invaded Panama to shake the nickname of "wimp," and Iraq was just a bigger boost in his numbers.
Panama invasion: 2000 lives. Iraq: 250,000, plus maybe a million dead in the aftermath. Result of both wars: nothing of significance.
At home Bush failed to deal with a recession. Finally, Congress forced him to accept a tax cut and then began overriding every veto Bush issued (Bush holds the record for overridden vetoes), and then the economy began to improve. Repubs still try to claim Bush started the recovery, but it started when Bush signed a massive tax increase against his will to reduce the deficit.
He made "liberal" a bad word, he used more of Reagan's divide-and-conquer strategy, further splitting the nation, he ran slanderous attacks on all his opponents (Dukakis, Clinton, and his own party).
He was implicated in the Iran/Contra scandal that should have put him and Reagan in jail, and the investigation was coming to a close near the end of Bush's term. So, on New Years Eve, Bush pardoned Caspar Weinburger and Robert McFarland, and others, to prevent them being forced to testify against him. Most extreme example of obstruction ever. The investigation collapsed, and Bush and Reagan remained free, after selling weapons to a nation that had declared war on us and giving that money to terrorists who were killing Americans.
He left the US economy and budget in such tatters that when Clinton took over, Clinton considered charging Daddy with fraud, because he had obviously been cooking the books to prevent Americans from knowing how bad things were. Clinton decided it would hurt our economy more to do so, so he let Bush off the hook. Sadly, considering. Bush released false budget numbers, false labor statistics, and false information all over just to boost his image. He remarked a couple of times that the economy would improve if people just quit feeling so bad about it, and he really seemed to believe this. During his last State of the Union Speech, he laid out a comprehensive plan to revive the economy that sounded exactly like what Clinton had been proposing during his campaign speeched. Democrats all vowed to support this plan. Bush never put it into place, and a couple of months later when asked about it, he said rather nonchalantly that he never had any intentions of doing any of those things, he had just said that to raise people's confidence in the economy, so it would improve.
Lying to him was a completely justifiable and even laudatory deed on his own part. He felt he was best for the nation, and any lie which kept him in power was what was best for the sheep he led.
Bush also appointed Clarence Thomas, just because Thomas had no experience and was therefore unable to be attacked for his written views. Bush Jr is doing that now with Roberts.
Bush was all politics, no integrity.
So no, Bush Daddy wasn't a better person, but he was more stable, and he wasn't quite as scary.