Task Force 121 to Use Saddam's Spies and Israeli Commandos in Assassination 'Manhunts'
Seymour Hersh reports in The New Yorker that the new Task Force 121 death squad will use members of the "upper ranks of the old Iraqi intelligence services" to "provide information about individual insurgents for the Americans to act on." Apparently the strongly possibility of false intelligence provided by Saddam's spooks leading to the deaths of innocent people is not a problem.
Hersh also reveals that "Israeli commandos and intelligence units" are not only now helping to train the assassination squad both at Fort Bragg and in Israel itself, but Israeli commandos will also serve as secret "ad-hoc advisers" in the field when operations commence sometime in January 2004. Hersh reports that he received confirmation of the arrangement from "American and Israeli military and intelligence officials."
Using members of Israeli military and intelligence in what Donald Rumsfeld has openly called "Manhunt" operations in Muslim countries throughout the Middle East will inevitably lead to a true shit-storm, strengthening the perception that the US is engaged nothing less than an anti-Islamic religious war.
Adding further fuel to the Jihadist fires will be Hersh's further revelation that none other than Lt. Gen. William Boykin has postponed his previously-announced retirement to serve as "a key planner" for the assassination operations. Gen. Boykin generated his own shit storm when it was revealed in October he was repeatedly equating the Islamic faith with Satan in speeches to Christian religious religious groups made while in uniform. Boykin even told one group in Oklahoma that president Bush was not elected but "appointed by God" and "in the White House today because of a miracle." Back in April 2003, Boykin also invited hundreds of fundamentalist Baptists ministers to Ft. Bragg for a "military-themed motivational program for Christian evangelists."
http://www.subliminalnews.com/archives/000096.php Task Force 121 to Use Saddam's Spies and Israeli Commandos in Assassination 'Manhunts'
Moving Targets (12/15/03 - The New Yorker)