...thanks to our noble cousins at BuzzFlash.com:
Rove: The Story Is Not Going AwayJuly 21, 2005
The CIA leak scandal has already made its return to the front pages after a one-day respite, throwing a wrench in the reported White House strategy to push Plamegate out of the public eye by rushing their Supreme Court nomination. The White House can try and deflect attention from its complicity in the CIA leak, but they cannot escape the fact that White House staff leaked classified information on a sensitive national security matter and lied about it. While the White House stonewalls, the public record exposing their involvement in the leak grows.
* We now know that Karl Rove disclosed Plame's status to at least two reporters, contradicting two year old White House denials that Karl Rove had "no involvement" in the leak. We know that White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer read a classified State Department memorandum which revealed information about Plame's CIA status in a paragraph marked '(S)' for secret, a day before Karl Rove confirmed this information to the columnist Robert Novak. We know that the Vice President's Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby, confirmed Plame's status to at least one reporter. We know that the CIA classified Valerie Plame's identity as covert and she wasn't, as Rove's defenders say, just a desk jockey at Langley. We know that President Bush promised to fire "those involved" in the leak and is now backing away from that promise.
* And we learned in today's Washington Post, that the State Department's own investigations "already had disproved the allegation that Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger" in February 2002 -- nearly a year before President Bush tried to terrify the American people by including that claim in his State of the Union speech. In the end, this matter all comes back to Iraq. The White House got into this trouble through its concerted and coordinated effort to smear anyone questioning its erroneous intelligence about WMD in Iraq
. Continuing to stonewall and smear opponents will not get them out of it.
* Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will determine if the White House officials' leaks violated the law. But it is undeniable that the White House has violated the public's trust. President Bush should put an end to the stonewalling and explain to the American people the facts about his White House's role in this grave matter.