"When we consider that women have been treated as property it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit." However, she had some very strange biblical views. She believed that the Bible was partial to men. She wrote a book called The Women's Bible which talked about sexism in the Bible. This outraged many of her colleagues and caused them to betray her. When she died in 1902, she was almost shunned from the Woman's Rights community. Elizabeth Cady Stanton never lived to see women get the right to vote, but her work for the Woman's Rights Movement helped women get the right to vote.
http://www.hyperhistory.net/apwh/bios/b4elizabethcstanton_p2al.htmThe Woman's Bible
The Complete Text in Two Volumes
by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Other Members of the Revising Committee as Named with Their Comments al.