I've been a long time reader and occasional poster here at DU since before 9-11. I have watched my country fall into the hands of corporatists (read fascists), thugs and warmongers. I continue to watch the world fall apart and can do nothing about it. I have joined in protests and try to inform people of what is really going on till I'm blue in the face. I have tried to keep hope through two stolen elections, the 9-11 show, an illegal war, increased "terrorism", the slaughtering of the constitution, torture, the wealthy and privileged increasingly raping the earth for their own greed, lies from our government, blatant hypocrisy, treason, unbridled apathy and stupidity as the norm (because we all know that the fact Paris Hilton took a shit today is more important and newsworthy than the outing of a CIA agent), increased poverty and racial bigotry, etc. etc. ad nauseum. However, it comes time to face the facts we're screwed.
I am a proud Liberal and will always be, but I find that we are our own worst enemies. We have no party (you are fooling yourself if you think the the Dems have any of our best interests in mind) to support us. We try contacting congresspeople (a waste of time since most of them have people that read and respond to our messages). We post here to try to enlighten people and to make our voices heard but what's the point? We are either preaching to the choir or bickering aimlessly among ourselves because this person bashes religion or something and they are labeled not tolerant enough or that person is too much of a conspiracy theorist and makes us look ridiculous (like the right wing bastards worry about how stupid they sound when they go off on us). It seems to me we have been so preoccupied with taking the high ground that we failed to see the enemy skirting under our noses and now have the upper hand. Face it they are far better at planning their ultimate goals than we are.
America does not want to care about anything but itself. I hold this whole world in utter contempt. I am tired of worrying and being outraged and pissed. I'm sick of being told to buy! buy! buy! We have allowed too much for too long and now it's biting us in the ass in a big way. The world sucks out loud and I hate it and everything that it stands for. I've washed my hands of the whole business, so see you on the other side.
Flame away because frankly, I don't give a damn!