I've been mulling over whether to post this for a few days... here it is. I'd love to hear it's all bull.
For all I know about Alex Jones, he's a raving nutcase. He thinks Bush and cabal want to give up sovereignty to the UN and believes UN is set to become some sort of world government... one can only laugh. Koffi Anan? m'kay...
But lunatic ravings are one thing, and documentary videos are another. A couple of days ago I watched Alex Jones's "9-11: The Road to Tyranny". He's somewhat persuasive about the Oklahoma bombing MIHOP angle (the truck bomb couldn't have done all that damage; conveniently sidelining John Doe 2 just in time for Monica Lewinsky; evidence of FBI cover-up), but you have to take most of it on trust.
What you don't have to take on trust is the footage of US Marines and/or special ops (Jones mentions both and doesn't specify per clip) training in US cities - training to round up, disarm, restrain and herd civilians into makeshift camps. It appears a large number of such exercies have been taking place since the 90s, posse comitatus be damned, and often against the will of town mayors and local governments.
The footage shows they're using volunteers, including teenagers, to pose as subjects. In one piece of footage, shot in Oakland, US military personnel is rounding people up and placing them in some sort of a make-believe encampment, with a loudspeaker guy going loud and clear:
"Attention, attention, attention! American forces are here to help. Remain calm. We will not tolerate civil disobedience."
"Attention, attention, attention! Remain calm and cooperative, so we can process you into the camp faster."
According to Jones, volunteers are asked/encouraged to protest, and they do appear to be saying this like "you can't do this", "We're Amerians", though it's hard to make out exactly what they're saying.
It seems to be a desensitizing exercise. They're training military personnel not to be queasy about rounding up American civilians, and at the same time they're letting civilians become accustomed to this kind of treatment.
Like I said - Alex Jones's analysis is far out in the tinfoil land. But you can turn down the volume, and the footage still looks genuine and scary as hell.