I hate to say this, but if you read all the lies coming out of the ONDCP, you would know that the politicians regard the lie as a tool in the style of Hitler. There could not be a bigger lie than the government repeatedly saying "Marijuana is a dangerous and addictive drug" as if jail isn't a thousand times worse than smoking a goddamned pound. Of course the Schedule One Lie that cannabis/marijuana has no medical value is the left fist in this assault on us with all their lies.
This is the email that NORML sent out in response to the ONDCP lies in support of their godawful prohibition and this part of it is also up at CannabisNews.com-
http://cannabisnews.com/news/thread20978.shtmlThey really nail the ONDCP lies in the rest of the report that can be seen at
NORML Washington, D.C. -- In 2003, NORML published a comprehensive report entitled, "Your Government Is Lying To You (Again) About Marijuana: A Refutation Of The Drug Czar's 'Open Letter To America's Prosecutors.'"
NORML’s report publicly addresses an ‘open letter’ to America’s prosecutors (dated November 1, 2002) from the White House’s Scott Burns, Deputy Director for State and Local Affairs for the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).
In the letter, Burns insisted, "Nationwide, no drug matches the threat posed by marijuana," and urged law enforcement officials to "aggressively prosecute" marijuana violators. The ONDCP's letter, filled with half-truths and outright lies regarding marijuana's alleged dangers, purposely misrepresented the available research in an attempt to justify federal and state policies that result in the arrest of more than 650,000 Americans annually on minor marijuana possession charges.
Since then, the White House’s anti-marijuana propaganda campaign has continued to take on an increasingly alarmist and extremist tone, arguably crossing over any reasonable line of probity. The Bush Administration’s latest rhetoric does not qualify as mere exaggeration; they are flat-out lying to the American public about marijuana.
As a result, NORML has updated and greatly expanded our 2003 report. Like our initial paper, the "2005 NORML Truth Report" relies on the federal government's own science, data, and statistics to rebut the Drug Czar's lies and propaganda.
NORML believes there is nothing to be gained by exaggerating claims of marijuana’s harms. On the contrary, by overstating marijuana’s potential risk, America's policy-makers and law enforcement community undermine their credibility and ability to effectively educate the public of the legitimate harms associated with more dangerous drugs. In addition, exaggerating the dangers associated with the responsible use of marijuana results in the needless arrest of hundreds of thousands of good, productive citizens each year in this country. We cannot remain silent and permit this taxpayer-funded propaganda to occur without a challenge, and we encourage all concerned citizens to refer to this report for the truth and science regarding marijuana and marijuana policy.
It’s time to begin an honest public education campaign about the minimal risks presented by marijuana. Let’s allow science, not rhetoric, to dictate America's public policy regarding marijuana. As you will see, the facts speak for themselves.