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My question about GTA

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hertopos Donating Member (715 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 07:57 AM
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My question about GTA
Most of games I play are simulation types such as SimCity, Civilization, Sims, etc. My husband plays a lot of shooting game.

I am generally against censorship. However, I think I do have a limit.

If there were games with the setting of hate crime, such as KKK lynching and gay killing, do you think it is reasonable to ban such games? Or a game about Holocaust, to compete the effectiveness of concentration camps. Are you going to ban such games?

My answers is definite yes.

It is not just about violence. The bottom line for me is if it promote 'hate'. In that sense, GTA is the borderline. Not so much for it's graphic violence but for its 'hatefulness against women'.

Yes, Hilary is a politician. However, as a mother of a daughter, I can relate her 'mother part'.

I am still undecided. I would like to know your argument. I have a PH.D in Math and MBA. I am also a rape victim in my 20's.

I somewhat draw the line between games and movies. I don't want any censorship against any movies.

I do believe most of shooting games are actually helping many guys from committing killing. At the same time, I have a strong suspicion if many simulated violence against women may hinder their ability to relate women. This is exactly happening in Japan, by the way. Murder rate is very low but the societies entire attitudes against women is just plain medieval.

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justinsb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 08:07 AM
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1. Greater Toronto Area?
Sorry, here that's what GTA means - You know the Army has it's own shoot em up game that they use for recruitment - where you go and kill Terrorists and with the click of a mouse, you can sign up for the real thing. If they are going to start banning games, they should start with that one.
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anti_shrub Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 08:09 AM
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2. One difference
KKK lynchings and gay killings are illegal activites. Having sex (what caused this controversy, since the violence was ok) is not.

You say "I somewhat draw the line between games and movies. I don't want any censorship against any movies", why is one form of censorship okay and one is not? If a game is rated M (which is the equivalent to an R rated movie) it's not the government's job to step in when someone allows their kid to play it.

By your logic, we should ban all movies rated higher than PG because a kid could sneak into the theater and get scarred for life from seeing boobies.
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hertopos Donating Member (715 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 10:28 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. No you are missing my points
Killing prostitutes and old women is also illegal. So I am not talking about illegal activities.

My biggest concerns are if the game promotes hate. Why is it always Grand theft Auto? Why lots of women feel uncomfortable with this particular game?

Gaming is a participation activity. That is different from watching movies and just listening to music. That is why I am more concerned about game like GTA much more than some disturbing R rated movies.
You are directly having fun killing women of different types. That bothers me.

I am against cencorship and all for free speech. I must say that this is one of these very murkey area. Give me more convincing argument.

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rman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 10:34 AM
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4. If a game hinders their ability to relate women,
then something is wrong with them to begin with.

I don't think there's a point in not addressing the cause, but banning a catalyzer.
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fujiyama Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 10:35 AM
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5. No I wouldn't be in favor of banning it
Edited on Fri Jul-22-05 10:37 AM by fujiyama
When it comes to speech I generally prefer a broad dissemination of ideas - even those as disgusting and distateful as racism (and I'm a minority that too).

Of course, the question is what do you mean by banning? I mean no major video game company would like produce something that condones lynchings and cross burnings. The game would find no distributors and would become some sick underground cult favorite.

As it is, there are patches and mods for games like Doom, etc where you can be a KKK member.

My own view on this is that the rating should be reflective of the game. The "porn" in question in GTA was no raunchier than a steamy sex scene in an R rated film. I believe there should be consistancy here. OTOH, I see little concern by Hillary over the violence in the game. Though, I still wouldn't prefer banning it and I really don't care if they changed the rating to AO.

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