spineless and useless. they had the hearing sennsebremmer? oh, was such a pig in ending hearing. dems see they cant even have hearing
took to basement, and people ridiculed, breatfeeding, lites go off, clothe over tables......yet, dems had to reduce to this, the basement, to do job. hearing. oversite. their JOB. so those trashing dems, fuck it, wink
and now here they have developed a much smoother hearing, dem only. and witnesses. what congress should be doing. without repugs. the glaring truth in this. this could be simply awesome for the dems
of course if we would quit saying, dems dont do shit. maybe the unaware and non political, will quit thinking dems dont do shit. and maybe they will start listening and seeing all that the dems are doing
but again, maybe we on this board ought to do the same
this was developed over time by conyers and others. they too are having to learn their power, in a powerless enviroment. and they are doing a kick ass job
just as cia, these workers, are finding their power, in their powerless role of cia. they have a voice. and they have the right to express
ok, i know, many are not going to be impressed with my writing style. i am still sending this out. it is just a beginning of what i see we are creating. and it is a bit of a mess, that will become more clear as all evolves.