Rove and Libby will not be fired. They will resign as soon as indictments are handed down. Public opinion is important to this WH. They will not go against the ground swell against Rove/Libby when the indictments are handed down. McClellan will be fired.
Dec 2005 is too soon for KKKarl and Scooter to be tried and sentenced after Oct indictments. It'll be late 2006 or 2007 before they see jail. And make no bones about it, they will see jail.
I see Rummy going buh-bye by this Autumn.
If the Rep. Lee's resolution passes the House in Sept. we could see impeachment hearings this year. Assuming this doesn't happen, the impeachment hearings will begin very quickly in 2007, maybe Feb.
I like July, 2007 for Bush's impeachment. If he does not resign after that, the Senate may not have the votes to remove him from office. Unless the House does their work extraordinarily well, we could impeach Bush and fail to convict and remove him or get him to resign. I do not see him resigning no matter what.
DeLay will be censured very quickly in 2007. That will be the end of him. With the Reps out of power, he'll be powerless.