One back? I have no problem with sophisticated musings, but this is just badly written and catty, so here is Ms. Buck and below is me:
When Air America was unrolled over New Mexico I rejoiced. I would hear news and the opinions of my own tribe in the tones of my tribe: measured cadences, husky perhaps with regret, imparting facts and figures as transparent and painful as the truth. Instead, there is the voice of Randi Rhodes: screaming, squawking, screeching, selling, alas, what appear to be the same two or three ideas of what is called the left by the right. She too has the end-of-auction shipwreck voice, but instead of defensive, its mode is aggressive. that:
I assume that you are a most gifted writer and that your radio voice is charming and soft, cooing even. I frankly don’t know.
Perhaps you read Anaïs Nin’s Little Birds by candlelight while tugging on your stockings and batting your eyelashes, draped over the radio listening to the news – politics slips in, unannounced, slowly taking over your "tribal" tones – or something equally as out of place in a political discussion.
Whatever the reason, I find your critique of Randi Rhodes a bit too pointed, out of context, and out of genre even. tell Ms. Buck what you think:)