and the answer may be logical: more of the same with feigned surprise and reviews of the new Gilligan Island's movie.
What controls the investigation and release of the story make them nearly incapable of doing the news until the news is in the province of incontrovertible history. In THAT case it would be better to go to historians than frauds. As for the news as a truth crusade they are equally incapable having surrendered that mantle of glory after their failure to turn the nation against Bill Clinton over a sex scandal.
They'd have to fire a lot of well paid RW stooges. That would take time or the ratings crisis would destroy them. They'd have to unleash their reporters and surrender control while their biggest bed companion and provider still holds absolute power. The corporate entities who own the homogenized blather and the RW spin machine would have to go vacation to Switzerland or Costa Rica. The other magnates in more powerful industries would have to Bush loose first. By now it is too late to do damage control without inflicting more damage.
So I expect the same thing as on all past issues(even Watergate in a sense). Follow the spiral down like whipped dogs leaving many doors open and many spin lines active to support Bush, ignore, leave unresolved anything that is not nailed down already, absolutely in the minds of the public THEY were supposed to be informing.
In Vietnam WHO was responsible? What lessons were learned? The country was no more informed or united about the plain facts than the South and North were reconciled after the Civil War. In our enthusiasm we might congratulate them as sharks to the bloodfest but in actual fact, if you pay some small intention, you will see them still earning failing marks, limiting the story and running and hiding.
No matter what finally gets in the headlines. Remember the somber "tragedy" of the great man Nixon? That kind of pious sweeping the rest of it under the rug got us into today's sorry mess just as all other denials and leanings toward the RW have ruined the truth landscape in America nearly beyond repair.
Don't expect too much from this ruined "fourth estate". It's a slum with some honest people trapped inside. In order to change the top of the pyramid(one major media ownership) has to turn so completely against Bush that it cascades all the way down. Instead you will see chaos, silence and footdragging, if not a simple continuation of the war against the public mind.