The Republicans, from Bush all the way down to those who keep voting for them don't give a rats ass about this country!!!!
Now I already know that some of you here will argue that you know someone who has seen the light, well without any major elections until 2006 that's just fluff. The proof will come when some of the Repukes lose their seats, then I'll beleive that at least some have seen the light.
This is my opinion, the rich are only interested in filling their pockets and have a sense that just because they have money that they should control everything, the Christian fanatics want a theocracy and a state religion, their religion. The generals and admirals are looking for that high paying consulting job when they retire, and if a few thousand troops have to come home in body bags, well it's worth it. And last but not least the politicians just want to remain in power, they do not believe in representing the people, they vote based on what they feel is important, and don't give a damn about the people who elected them. But come the next election cycle those very same people will re-elect the same useless f**k.
The Rebuplicans in Congress are traitors, they swore to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, and then they enact laws that violate the very document that they swore allegiance to, so they are liars as well as traitors.
Republicans don't care, the military command doesn't care, and the people who vote Republican, indicate by their votes that they don't care either.