Alot here for speculation. A link to the entire article below
World Destruction begins 2005 - The price we pay for stupidity!
As the conflict in the Middle East will shift into a much higher gear over the next few weeks, followed by an attack on Iran that is likely to be nuclear in nature, we have accepted that it is not only inevitable, but a complete waste of our time even writing about it anymore!
It is difficult to know which is more annoying or frustrating, the people promoting this destruction, or the public who allow it to happen without offering any protest.
• The recent London bombings are just part of the plan to produce support for the next attack (Iran) and there will be more attacks like this in other countries (like Italy and Denmark).
• There will be another 9/11 attack and this will be created by the same people who did the original. It will be much more horrific than the previous one, but the same people will be blamed. However, instead of making a connection to Afghanistan or Iraq, they will offer you a trail that leads to Iran. Same old tactics, but different target this time.