1. By the end of 2005, the US declares Iran a state of terror and enters the country. Iran is defeated, not easily, but by the beginning of 2006 after their lone nuke is disabled on the launch pad, in a great victory for President Bush. The UN and the allies of the United States make demands the US stop any new war. But, by Summer of 2006, Bush has turned his eyes to North Korea and the US begins escalating war there. Britain breaks off its alliance and the US attacks North Korea. The UN demands that Bush stop the attack and answer for his crimes, the US responds by quitting the UN. The UN calls for its members to fight against the US. After winning early, the US is forced to stop its attack of North Korea to protect its oil interests in Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq. Japan then asks the US to leave and the US quits Asia and Europe, solidifying its power at home. However, Canada and Mexico are the staging point for a dual pincer attack on Washington, DC. The allies ride into nation's captial and capture most of those in the regime, but Bush escapes, the House of Saud granting him asylum for the rest of his life. (Seig Heil).
2. The US explains that Pakistan, Iran and Palestine are all holding terrorists and begin the same smear effort against them as they did against Iraq. Eventually, they win in Pakistan and Palestine and codify oil supplies there. Iran, however, is angered by the attacks. They begin to aid insurgencies in all countries that are occupied. Slowly, the US's hold begins to fall and the Empire forged from 2002-2005 is taken away. Iran, using its new found power, strikes at the US. And, the Saracens howl outside the gates of Washington DC. The city is not destroyed, but the pride of the US has been lost forever. (Vae Victus).
3. We here at DU stand up and in one voice scream and fight to save this land before it is too late. And, to tell you the truth, it's getting pretty late right now. But, we begin to stand up and, not just on here, explain the facts, the truth and the lies. We need to jam conservative tools' radio shows with our calls, we need to call our Republican senators and representatives and bitch everyday, through calling, email and letter. We need to hold speaking events in public areas, such as malls, shopping centers, and civic institutions. Go toyour local colleges get involved with the YDs. We CAN take this country back and yes this would be a revolution, but if the revolutions of 1994 and of 2000 are of no consequence to you, we've all ready lost. I will start this when I think a group of enough callers is together and we can start slamming phonelines. But, it's time. These people are not allow to represent me in my name anymore.