Because I have been saying this forever..
And I get the same responses out of people..they are playing make believe....words that that amount to PITY the abusers,act like Christ,be a punching bag.. I can't stand up,I can't leave and disobey that master...
And I fear that people are so caught up with bullshit and games they do not see it is NOT about themselves. Most people would NEVER torture a child..
But 1 in 24 WOULD torture a kid rape whatever if they could get away with it.They do not feel emotions like love,remorse,empathy,guilt or shame all the things that make us capable of living together in peace and making life safe and respecting of human dignity and the right to not be hurt.
Sociopaths do not deserve any pity out of any of us.Just kill them without fanfare.(they get off on dramas).Sociopaths live by using people by hurting them,controlling,abusing,They will do anything to Win some game they play,to get something from others and give nothing back,they like to steal, to scam to abuse and gaslight people to give themselves 'entertainment,sociopaths like making people scramble and react and jump on their command.They are hopelessly toxic diseased people that cannot be reformed and cannot be trusted and cannot live among us..
Death is the only way to stop them if you cannot incapacitate them or keep them isolated.Just like pedophiles. They never stop because they lack the emotional feeling we have that keep us from raping kids. Understand?
Isn't it interesting how much attention the sociopaths get from us how much they scare us and make society scramble?? all the concern,media time, and law enforcement exists FOR THEM because of their"confident charisma"and abuse loving ways..They use us like fools.And they destroy and abuse us through our good nature and benefit of a doubt,and unwillingness to admit they are what they are.and they have NO conscience.
People with no conscience really do exist,Bush is a prime example..
The enemy looks like us,but he IS not us,he can imitate us however,but not forever or flawlessly.
And people with personalities like Bush's are NEVER to be trusted, given privacy,power,a microphone, or freedom.
The Inuit when they saw a sociopath around the tribe, A group of guys would insist on taking him hunting one day...and when no one was looking and the opportunity arose they'd push him into icy water to die.
That is why bush has put up barriers around the white house sociopaths know the evil they do and do not care who they hurt and they know they are a target of the wounded and good hearted.
The problem with most people who never bothered to look at the sociopath problem as a real epidemic that is killing us off,is they never learned how to detect sociopaths from non sociopaths. It's sad but traumatized people can appear on the surface like sociopaths to protect themselves from sociopaths.
But watch them and how they act,look for cracks in the mask of sanity,look at how they react to words like love,compassion,tenderness..They react to words like that like you would to chair,lemon or box...They get a gleam of delight out of seeing love and innocence being tortured and die.And when asked to articulate how they feel they are FAKE,they stumble on words they ACT....they mix emotion they parrot with word hints about "winning" power or torture.
You can tell who they are...if you know what to look for. of Psychopath
(Sociopath, Anti-social Personality Disorder
1. Glibness/superficial charm.
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth.
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect
8. Callous/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioral controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behavior
12. Early behavior problems
13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release
20. Criminal versatility (Hare, 1986)
(Narcissism also a characteristic)
"It must be remembered that even the most severely and obviously disabled psychopath presents a technical appearance of sanity, often with high intellectual capacities and not infrequently succeeds in business or professional activities for short periods, some for considerable periods .Although they occasionally appear on casual inspection as successful members of the community, as able lawyers, executive or physicians, they do not, it seems, succeed in the sense of finding satisfaction of fulfillment in their own accomplishments. Nor do they, when the full story is known, appear to find this in an ordinary activity."
--H.Cleckley, "The Mask of Sanity"
"Psychiatrists are often helplessly manipulated by the psychopath; just as are the psychopaths other victims."
--Dr. Ken Magid, "High Risk, Children Without a Conscience."
"There are psychopathic personalities in the highest echelons of government, and even within religious hierarchies in America. You can t just assume that a person with the title judge or hospital orderly got there honestly and won't manipulate the hell out of you."
--Personal com