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a small tribute to Long John Baldry . . .

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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-24-05 12:38 PM
Original message
a small tribute to Long John Baldry . . .
You know, I remember
A few years ago
Some funny things
Used to happen to me
About 1956-57

At that time there was
No blues scene or not really
Any kind of scene in London

I used to go out and play
My guitar in the streets
And sing things with
Passing my hat down

I remember one particular night
I was playing the guitar
In a little alleyway just off
Of Wardour Street in Soho
And I got busted by the police

This policeman come up and
Dragged me and my guitar --
And my hat full of pennies --
Off to the police station

Anyway, the next day
I had to appear in
Marlboro Street Police Court
And it was quite a day
Police officer
Giving his evidence

"I was proceeding in a
Southerly direction, MiLord,
When I heard strange sounds coming
From Wardour Place, MiLord

"A sort of boo-jee woo-jee
Music was being played.
On further investigation, I saw
The defendent standing there
With a guitar and an
Old hat on the floor
Collecting pennies

"Well, I decided that he
Was contravening a breach
Of the peace there, as there was
A traffic jam about five miles
Long down Wardour Street
Wondering what all the fuss was about

"So then I arrested the defendent."
"Ah, just one moment, officer --
Well, what is this boo-jee woo-jee music
Here we're talking about?"

"Oh, well, MiLord," said the officer,
Getting out his notebook, obviously
Been doing up his homework
"It's a kind of jazz-rhythm music
Peculiar to the American Nee-gro."

"Oh, and what was the defendent doing
Playing this kind of music there
In Wardour street?"

Anyway, I got off with a caution
A years' conditional discharge
But I'll always remember that policeman
And his boo-jee woo-jee music
So don't try to lay no boo-jee woo-jee
On the King of Rock 'n Roll!

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earthboundmisfit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-24-05 01:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. King John will live on
Edited on Sun Jul-24-05 01:23 PM by earthboundmisfit

'Long John' Baldry Dies At 64 By Larry LeBlanc, Toronto

British R&B artist "Long John" Baldry died last night (July 21) in Vancouver after battling a chest infection for four months. He was 64.

Having begun his career playing folk and jazz in the late 1950s, Baldry was one of the founding fathers of British rock'n'roll in the '60s. Eric Clapton has stated many times that he was inspired to pick up the guitar after seeing Baldry perform...

Here's his website:

Thanks for the music & soul, Long John - Love Always.
Edited to add: My first "real" boyfriend turned me on to John Baldry via the "Boogie Woogie" song - it remains a favorite to this day(thanks, WL - hope life's been good to ya)
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earthboundmisfit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-24-05 04:51 PM
Response to Original message
2. Kick for Long John
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